Privacy Policy

The protection of your privacy and the security of transactions involving your private information are our number one priorities. At Maritime Exhaust, we respect your privacy and we want to assure you that your information is safe with us. We utilize the latest technology in order to protect the privacy and security of all transactions you make with us. The personal information you provide will be handled with the greatest concern for your safety and security.

Our secure server software encrypts all personal information you share with us, such as name, shipping address, billing address, credit card information and telephone number. The information sent via the Internet will arrive, privately and unaltered, to our specific, security-sensitive server. Maritime Exhaust will continually adopt new security technologies as they become available, so that your personal information will always be protected via the latest and most advanced means.

At Maritime Exhaust, we do not sell or exchange names or any information about our online customers with third parties. All information we receive during ordering and registration is kept strictly confidential. We only use the information you provide to process your order and to give you the best shopping experience possible. By shopping at our site, you consent to the use of your personal information by Maritime Exhaust.

© Maritime Exhaust Ltd, 2024